Education & Development

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Safeguard Your Creativity: an Overview of Copyright Basics for the Modern Polymath Entrepreneur

In the dynamic landscape of entrepreneurship, every pixel, every line of code, every carefully crafted word is a testament to your creativity. As business trailblazers, freelancers, and entrepreneurs, grasping the essentials of copyright law is more than just a legal necessity—it’s a ticket to protect your originality.


Caution Tape at the United States Capitol in Washington D.C.

Sarah's Web Design Lookbook #1, Government Edition―A Showcase of 3 Innovative Public Sector Sites

Government entities have been making strides to catch up with the cutting-edge design and user-friendly interfaces seen in the private sector. This edition of our Web Design Lookbook will feature three exemplary government websites that have truly embraced modern design principles, while still aiming to be accessible, intuitive, and informative, with an aesthetic that fosters trust with its users.
